Fort Bragg, North Carolina

February 4, 1943


Dear Mom & all –


Well here I am back in camp again. Thought I never was going to get here, arrived here about 1:30 this morning. [I] sure am tired and sleepy, had to get up this morning and go to work.  I didn’t leave Ft. Worth until Monday evening, but [it] would have been better if I had left Sunday, like to have been late.  [I] had to stand up all the way from Ft. Worth to Memphis, Tennessee. That sure was tiresome.


[I] am going to be lucky in one way. I can sign the payroll and get paid tomorrow and I sure can use it, for when I got here I had 2˘ left. [I] will send $25 and you all can keep it to pay on that note at the bank and next payday will send the other $25.


It has been raining here all day; [I] wouldn’t be surprised if it [doesn’t] turn cold by morning.  It sure was a sickening feeling when I got into Fayetteville last night sure did wish it was Weatherford or Ft. Worth.  [I] met a sailor on the train from Dallas. We rode together to Atlanta Ga., sure was good to ride with someone from that close to home.  Say mom if you find that little green address book in my coveralls wish you would put it in the next letter you write.


Well mom as I am so sleepy that I [can] hardly hold my eyes open so will sign off for this time.


                                                Love to all,



Tell Aunt Done I said hello.