February 9, 1946


My dearest Hal,

            Our house is now well filled with telescopes, we have one in every room and hardly any place to put the. However Sam is charmed with them and I can put them some where. Everyone who sees the things admires the tea kettle more than anything else. Mother admires it so much I think I’ll have to give it to her. It is a very nice one. What kind of metal do you call that?

            Yesterday, my kimona or coat came and the little shoes for Bob P. I think the coat is beautiful. The little shoes are too cute for anything and I’m sure they are just the right size however B.P. will probably never wear them. Sam nearly had a fit for fear I would make Bob P. wear the shoes. He said it would make his toes grow apart and then every one would think he was a Jap.

            The baby is much better. He has had a terrible time. He is getting over his third cold. He had this one when he left the hospital last Friday but I have been using penicillin drops in his nose and he is almost over it. We are being to wonder if possibly his sinuses are infected but hope he will soon out grow some of this. His stomach spasms are very much better. He is a mighty good baby and now he




hardly ever cries except when his head is stopped up. Of course he can’t blow his nose and as his cold won’t drain I have to clean his nose out with cotton swabs. He is mighty good about it but it certainly is a scary job. I’m so afraid I will hurt him. He is on a four hour schedule now but it still takes an hour to an hour and a half for each feeding. He does not get the 2 A.M. feeding anymore but sleeps from eleven thirty until six. I can manage most anything if I can only sleep. It takes me an hour to mix his formula and two hours a day to wash his clothes besides this there is his bath and his orange juice and his cod liver oil and his nose drops and changes of pants until I don’t even have time to write his Daddy a letter. He is such a dear sweet baby laughs and smiles at us now and is a great pleasure if only we can keep him well. My dearest I have boiled and sterilized and worn a mask and taken every precaution I know how to take and still the baby has colds. Dr. B. says he has never seen such an epidemic of colds. His own children have had them all winter more or less so he says he does not think I could take any more precautions than I have taken. That is a comfort to me because we all 0feel terribly bad about his having these colds.

            Bob P. is gaining nicely. He weighs




10 lbs and 14 ozs. Which is a very good gain. I do hope when you come home to have a nice healthy baby for you. I have never worked as hard over anything in my life.

            Sam is pretty well this winter. He has only had one spell when he had to take prefa and except for several spells of sniffles he is pretty fine. He doesn’t stay around the baby for fear he will give him a cold and it’s a real sorrow because he adores his baby brother and is as sweet with him as any thing you have ever seen.

            It’s time to feed my son again so good bye for this time.

                                                                                                all my love,
