Nov. 13, 1942

Dearest Hal,

            I’m not sure I can manage to write even a V letter because I have just finished addressing a hundred letters for the T. B. Christmas seals to be mailed in and my hand is in quite a cramp. I’m going to Richmond next week so I really don’t have time to do this but I didn’t feel I could say no to something we are both so much interested in. Now they are done and I can go on and take my trip without worrying about that.

            In one of your recent letters I believe you invited me to see a football game with you one of these days. I’d be more than delighted but let us hope by that time there will be something to see. I haven’t seen one but from what I hear there isn’t much to see. There just aren’t many boys left to play and to see now that the 18 & 19 year olds are being drafted you can imagine it doesn’t leave much. I don’t pay as much attention to it because I don’t have you to explain things to me. More and more I am convinced that most of the pleasure I got out of life was sharing it with you. So many things just don’t even interest me since I can’t have you to enjoy them with.

            Sam and I are both trying to be as cheerful as we can. If sometimes the long night hours seem more than I can hear no one knows but you and I know they are equally hard for you. Take care of you for me.

                                                                                    All my love,
