July 16, 1942


Dearest Hal,


            Evidently V letters don’t reach you as soon as I had hoped. You said in your last letter that it might be several months before I could hear again and I am beginning to believe that is so.

            It has been very hot here all this week. Yesterday Peggy, Sam, and I went swimming. Sam had the time of his life and kept talking about how you took us swimming last summer. I wish we were doing it again this summer. There are so many things we won’t really enjoy until you come back and help us to do them. Sam and I went to town to see Virginia Bumgardner and her children Tuesday. Rudolph has been transferred to Randolph Field in Texas. Virginia and the children, the dog, the cook and all their personal belongings are joining him the last of this week. Gee, honey, Texas, Maine any old place you’re sent would be all right just so we could go along.

            I see by the papers that Mrs. Brice was the guest of Mayor M.M. Brice at Fort Nash, so I guess Marshall has not been transferred. Write to us if you possibly can. The time seems to crawl along so slowly when I can’t hear anything.


All my Love,

