July 6, 1942


Dearest Hal,


            Do you ever get a letter from me? You always ask the same questions and I have answered them over and over. I’ll make one more attempt. I do get my money from the government regularly and I have attended to all things you asked me to fix up when you left. We have gotten three pictures. The last one was the one you said you had taken for your passport. You look so much younger, darling. Is that what comes of having your family? Well anyway let us hope not?

            Two months ago I sent you two boxes of cigars. You should have gotten them by this time and I know you will be as upset as I if for any reason they fail to arrive. Also I would like to know if your magazines are coming. You never say whether you want anything or not. I wish you would tell me if there is something I could send.

            I have had a very bad cold, which kept me in bed four days right after Mac went home. I’m up again now and feeling fairly well though still a little shaky. I am planning to go over to town and get your things that Sally took out of the attic at the farm. Harry is on his vacation now and he and Sally took all the things out of the attic so they could have that off their minds. “Nana” is improving. Billy has gone back to N.O. Sam is real well and we both miss you so much.


All my Love,

