Dear mom,

            Awfully glad to hear from you today; I am tired and feeling a little down in the dumps as it has rained nearly all morning and rain always depresses me. The sun is breaking through and I will probably cheer up after I get out of school. Have to go to three classes this afternoon, radio, recognition, and weather. I like all three of them so it doesn’t matter.

            I flew this morning and we were up when the rain storm moved over the field and we landed in the rain. There is a little danger in weather in the B-17 except from the mountains which are all around, and from collision with other aircraft. They do everything possible to make it safe though. Good experience flying in weather because you have to fly in pretty bad stuff in combat. The war can’t wait for fair days. They’ll come in good after the war flying commercial planes.

            Guess I will have to tap ben on the head when I come home if he doesn’t knuckle down and make something of himself.


To Ben,

            Bud, you probably won’t pay any attention to me now, but someday you will see I was right. Everything you fail to learn in school will leave you lacking that much someday. You just can’t do anything nowadays without special knowledge, and you can’t learn anything or specialize in any field unless you have learned well the first things first.

            Lots and lots of times you will think you are only spinning your wheels, but always keep one thing in mind if you don’t remember anything else, “knowledge is power.” I have seen that prove out lots of times since I’ve been in this man’s army. Take it for what it’s worth,  if I had listened to lots of good advice that was handed my way when I was your age, I would be better off I believe.

End of Sermon-

            Guess I got a little off the subject – where was I? Oh! Yes.

            There are wild rumors going the rounds that we are to finish here earlier than planned because the field or rather the school, is to be transferred to La Juanta, Colorado next month.



We don’t know if there is any fact behind it or not, but we were to be off all day Saturday and Sunday next, and this afternoon the schedule was revised so we are on a regular weekday basis both days. I will let you know what the score is as even as I do myself. Of course, we will be the last ones to know. In the army, the ones that it is happening to are always the last ones to find out.

I am hoping I can finish up here and learn how to operate four engine aircraft and then get transferred to fighters or medium bombers to go to combat in small chance of that, but maybe a miracle will happen somewhere along the line.

I am hoping that I can hurry and get overseas and get something done before they finish it up. Maybe I can save some money over there where it doesn’t too much to live.

Hope I will get a leave before long, but I am not counting on it. The fact that I had a leave cancelled does not have any bearing whatsoever on the case. It is just my tough luck, that’s all.

I’ll bet Frances is quite a sight all skinned up. Tell her to heal quickly so she can give me some dancing lessons if and when I get home. (P.S. Is he the jealous type?)

I saw, “God is my co-pilot,” last night and I was rather disappointed in it. The little should be challenged to, “I am God.” He must really love himself, the way he raves about his exploits. You remember that most of his spectacular attacks against the japs happened when he was alone; no one else saw them happen. It is the general opinion around here that he let his imagination run away with him. I detect an exaggeration anyway.


Better be on my way

Love to each and all,
