27 November 1944


Dear Sisters,

            We are fine and hope you are all the same.

            Nothing much has happened since I wrote on Saturday.  When I got out to the field I was told to turn around and come back in again as the weather was too hard to work outside and there wasn’t anything that had to be done right now.

            So I bought an American and settled down to do a lot of reading for a change.

            We didn’t go to church yesterday morning so we went last night to the Christian church.  What a poor service that was.  And after we got in we discovered they were having communion; they pass it around at your seat.  We took it as we figured it really wouldn’t do no harm.

            Well I have letters to answer so I’ll get at them now.

            Yep Erma we had snow and the weatherman says we can look for more today.

            Too bad about C. M. and Howard, that they don’t want to go to the Service but they have been out of it long enough and if they get another deferment people should call them “slackers.”

            Yea we heard some of the programs for the 6th war loan.  They were grand programs but I am thinking that what I have seen from the feather merchants and like that around here are wasting good money on foolish things that I ain’t so eager to buy any.

Mary’s toe still bothers her once in a while.  She should have gone to the doctor’s when she first did it.

Thanks for ordering the coronet for me.  I am sure I’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

That must have been good when Erma and Mildred thought you were being bombed and ordered you down from the third floor.

I really don’t know of anything that I want for Xmas.  If I think of anything I’ll let you know.

Boy Tom H. surely is a tough old man to think he could go through an operation.

Did you get your chain back?  Who did them over?  What color?

Our radio isn’t unplayable but I still need a tube.  A fellow was going to look for one in Denver for me.  If he can’t get it I’ll send you the number and maybe you can pick it up.

Well I’m out of news so I guess I’ll sign off for this time.


                                                                        So Long,

                                                                                    Love John