Dear Family-                                                                                                    9 APRIL 1945

            The weather here is wonderful now.  In the mountains ahead, however, the snow looms white and ominous.  Today the wealthy family that owns the villa in which our CP is established gave a dinner in our honor (the Colonel and his staff).  It was a meal of at least eight different kinds of wine and cognac and five courses including chicken and roast beef and many Italian dishes.  It was really delicious.  We all ate so much that supper had to be cancelled.




Dear Family-                                                                                                    10 APRIL 1945

            Well, the Eighth Army jumped off yesterday so we won’t be far behind.  Can’t get over the perfect weather we’re having here - never a cloud in the sky. And I’ve got spring fever bad.  We’re living well - wine for every meal, salads, and tonight well prepared spaghetti.  I met a major in Cannes who went to school at Stetson University De Land, Florida.  He lived in the frat house on the corner, and ate in a restaurant which was set up in our big house - he knew the professor who lived beside us.  Small world!



Dear Family-                                                                                                    12 APRIL 1945

            Did you notice the Eighth Army attack several days ago?  That ended the long bull on the Italian front, and by the time you get this, who knows where we might be.  No one believes we’ll have an easy victory but this drive ought to take us to the PO RIVER.  I met a kid yesterday in our 30 Battalion named Owen C. who used to live in Hagerstown and with whom I went to school.  I haven’t seen him for 12 or 13 years.  We both remember each other.  He’s a private recently inducted.                                                                                             




Dear Family-                                                                                                    13 APRIL 1945

            Not yet but soon.  In an area like this one, we really live well.  The food is excellent - salads for every meal, wine always on the table, cocktails for supper, Italian bread, fresh eggs and meats - I eat so much I’m getting fat (only in the face though).  It’s a strange thing how the President’s death effected me - seems like a very personal loss.  What is the value of my War Bond?  My bank balance now totals $378900




Dear Family-                                                                                                    21 APRIL 1945

            Well, we made it.  I’m sitting on Highway 9 north of Bologna which hasn’t been taken yet.  But we’re in the valley and out of the mountains at least for the time being.  The Krauts are on the run and we’re chasing them.  We’re capturing them right and left - the regiment alone took over 600 POW’s yesterday.  And now everything is pouring into the valley - troops, guns, and vehicles by the thousands.  It has not been a rout - the enemy fought stubbornly.  The 85 DIV and the 10 Mountain DIV were first to break into the valley.  Now we are headed for the PO River.                                                          




Dear Family-                                                                                                    28 APRIL 1945

            Well, it looks like another night of sleep - that is, unless we’re alerted in the middle of the night for some special mission.  The people in the PO Valley are well off and prosperous.  Down south we paid 40 cents a piece for eggs - here they give them away.  And the whole populace is friendly.  They gather by the hundreds to cheer and wave as we pass.  And the wine flows free.  Every house flies a white flag or banner to indicate “No Krauts here.”  I have had a salad for all meals and fresh eggs for breakfast for a long time.                                                                                          

