Mrs. Elizabeth T.

6232 Clayton Avenue

Merchantville New Jersey


Dear Mother,

             I am fine and hope you are the same. I wanted to get this money home for you for Easter, but it came sooner than I thought. How is everyone [at] home? Ask Edith [if] she got her letter. I'll be on my furlough in June. We are in a nice place now. I wanted to get there for some hot rolls and fried chicken for Easter Sunday Morning but I’ll be there in June. I guess you have time to get food now. I know in New York they have stamps for everything. Do you get food alright? We throw away plenty of food. It’s a shame the good meat we throw away. I am also sending a letter to Grace today. We are in our tents today. It is raining; we do not drill any more in the rain. They have slowed up on our training.  They don’t think we will have to go across

            I think we are coming to Virginia soon. They checked up on our clothes yesterday and gave us another pair of long drawers for Eastern Climate. See we had to wait for the spring to start on account of our blood had gotten thin for summer. I’m sending forty dollars in this letter. I hope you take it and have a nice Easter; I won’t need very much money. It only costs seventy dollars round trip from here. Tell Gladys and Elizabeth hello. I am fine. [I am] Still the best dressed soldier in the west.

                                                                                    Your Son, Randolph