June 4, 1944

My Darling Mother:

                                    Just a line to let you know how I am and I’m just fine. Well now were at Camp Gordon, Ga. So far it isn’t bad but haven’t seen much of the camp as yet, we’ve been busy in moving. I receive the letter from you with all the pictures and they were swell and was very glad to see them, it made me feel like coming home. I’ll keep a few them and I’ll send the rest back to you. I expect to get my furlough in a few weeks its coming this month so I was told so that something to look forward to huh ma. I’m glad to hear that pa got his price for the farm it’s about time that you get a break. Say by the way how long have you had those extra boys? How long are you keeping them? Land you’ve got enough work without getting more land take it easy when you’ve got the chances. When you get down town I don’t won’t to hear that you’ve got a house full of kids. What are you starting a children home? Are you going to keep them when you move? Now you take my advise and take it easy huh ma. Are you going to keep Robert, Richard, and Granidle when you move? I don’t mind them their a pretty good bunch of boys, but no more see. HaHa. Well ma what’s the excitement up your way? Oh yes ma tell the sun to change my address to this camp huh ma. Oh yes I’m sending you a picture of the platoon that I’m in. Well ma haven’t anymore to say so must close but I still love you all very dearly and miss you so until next time bye bye.


                        XXXX                                                 Love and all from you

                        XXXX                                                 baby little son,
