Aug 11, 1943

Dear Folks:

            It’s me again and how is everybody on the farm? The best of health I hope and as for me I’m fine. We’re still having hot weather and I mean hot. We’re going to move Saturday only its 103 miles from this camp at Yuma, I think its near the border of California, we’re going there for three weeks I guess its just guarding a camp while the troops are out on maneuver, then we’ll come back to t his darn hole. That’s a desert where we’re going so it won’t be much different gee I wish we could move I’m sick of this desert life even the army life. I received a letter yesterday, my you sure are doing a lot of camping, I’ll be up and help you eat it this winter huh ma. Rita told me that she [she] saw some army wrist watches for $11.00 to $12.75 so she going to send me one and I’m sending her the money. I wrote to her tonight I really need one I’ve been trying to get one but couldn’t. Well ma I’m a first class private now I got my stripe this week so now within two weeks I should have two stripes and be a corporal. So now if I don’t get my corporal stripes I’ll have one anyway, but I’m pretty sure that I’ll get them at least I’m sucking for then HaHa. That’s one thing that they can’t say that I suck for them, but I think the Lt. from Maine help me a lot to get it. He and I talk a lot about hunting and fishing so you know how it is. In your letter you ask me if I’ve been sick, no ma so far I haven’t honest ma I’m telling you the truth so believe me. So don’t worry huh ma Well ma I haven’t much more to write about so I guess I have and don’t work too hard bye bye.

Love to All



P.S. I received a letter from Fred gee he working a lot overtime isn’t he. Why don’t pa go down to the shipyard as long as he only getting four days a week? Sell the old farm and go to and go to the big city and live on easy street. Talk him into it ma I think it will be much better and a lot easier for him don’t and it will be much easier for you also so theirs both sides to the story so take your little sons advice. Bye bye again.
