To Soldat (Soldier) Gerhard Seuthe

Prisoner of War Camp Carson


Baberg, May, 5 1945


My loving Gerhard,

     All your friends from Baberg send you much love.  Today I can once again write a letter to you.  God be thanked it still goes well, for us all.   All war in Germany has virtually ended.  I hope you are still fine and that you will return to us forever. We didn’t get any post from you and also from Gustav.  And we couldn’t write you for so long. We got the last post from Gustav at the end of March.  He still has not returned to us.  We don’t know anything more.  We only can pray for you.  His strength is provided each day.  We hear everyday, how we need his help.  Aunt Maria now is at Martha’s house in Meinerzhagen and also has to stay there. Uncle Willy isn’t alive any more.  He is buried in Heinbach.  Tomorrow you have your birthday.  Everybody wishes you well and the strength to start a new life.  I hope we will see you again. As always you get much love from all your friends here, but especially from your mother, who will always love you.