
March 29. 1945

My dearest wife:

            Well honey, my morale is boosted up 100% today. The mail finally came through once again-four letters and an Easter card. Thanks so much for the card. I’ll bet you think I forgot about you, but I didn’t. I just couldn’t find anything over here, and then I didn’t know how long it would take to get there, and another thing I didn’t know when Easter was supposed to be until a few days ago. You know over here one day is just like another including Sundays. If I didn’t have a calendar I’d never know what day it was. Anyway I am sending you that perfume. I made a box for it last night, so it will take some rough handling.

            I am going to answer your letters one at a time, so if my letters sound a little screwy you know the reason, and another thing, I’m not going to answer them all at one time. The mail I got today came through very good. They were postmarked from the 14th to the 22nd and today is only the 29th. There still seem to be quite a few of your letters missing. I don’t have 15,16,17,19 to 25. That still makes about 10 out. It sure is swell hearing from you though honey. You probably think I am forgetting you or losing my love for you, but you’re wrong. I can’t make love like I used to knowing that someone else read them before you got them. How would you feel? You know it only took about 6 ½ days for your last letter (Easter Card) to come over.

            You know by now that I can’t tell you where I am. All I can say is we are way back from the line. It shouldn’t matter too much. I am still safe and healthy and I guess that above all that counts. I know where I would like to be- and that is home with you and the kids.

            Thanks so much for the pictures. I thought they were swell. “Ric” thinks she looks like me, but I think she looks like you. I got a big kick out of “Ric” today. He also had some mail from home. His wife wrote that she bought 2 dozen diapers, and unconsciously he said out loud and in question- 2 dozen diapers, and then it finally came to him. Oh is he happy now. He asks me questions about how you felt when you were like that, and says his wife acts the same way so I told him it was the real thing this time. I can see now how I must have looked when I first found out that you were having a baby. By the way where was your Dad? Do you know any of the places?

            Your letters aren’t boring honey-not one bit, in fact I love them- every one. It’s like medicine to me. I am very lonesome for you too honey, only you know how much. There isn’t an hour that goes by that I’m not thinking half of it of you. I love you Maggie.

            The weather here has been swell too, but for the past few days, we are having a little rain-the first rain we had since we moved here. The spring is going to be lonesome for me too.

            You mean to tell me that our boy kisses almost as good as I already? I’ll bet he is a pill when he gets in a grocery store. I didn’t know anything about his burned hand, but I’ll probably hear in another letter.

            I believe you can send a 7 pound box or package (I’m not too sure now). You could also send one in your mother’s name. It might work.

            The news is getting awfully good. Seems the paper back home starts too many rumors-thinking the war is over (with Germany). I read one such article in the Stars and Stripes today. I don’t think it will last much longer. Maybe April or the middle of June. Do you think I am right?

            Do you still like to wash and iron as much as you used to?

            How’s Mother and Dad? Tell them I asked about them.

            I was a little surprised to hear you went back to smoking, although it’s your life you’re living, and if it does you good I guess it’s alright by me. As long as you’re happy.

            I think I’ll go to bed now as it is getting late. I love you Mag.

All my love
