To: Mrs. Johnny R. Sankey                                                                          From: Pvt. John R. Sankey

Box 122                                                                                                                Dec. 23, 1944

Richfield Idaho                                                                                                 Philippine Islands

Dearest Clara,

                Honey it is raining to beat all, so we had to put the sides down on the tent to our cots from getting all wet, it sure made it dark inside. It won’t be very long until the chow truck will be around, but I think I’ll have time to get this finished before it does, the boys are always talking about [how] they wish some mail would come in, but it doesn’t seem to help, I like to get letters too. We have to keep out shirts on all the time, when outside. I wrote a v-mail to the Parkers, answering the note I got with the card they sent me, I didn’t know what to tell them about some of the things she wanted to send, so I told how to send something that wouldn’t spoil on the way here, that’s all I knew to tell her honey. Be careful for me dear. Write real often.

With all my love and kisses to my wife Clara,

Husband Johnny.