July 4, 1944

                        Dearest Clara,

            Well honey I have been on guard duty. I am off for 4 hours, so I will write this to you, and one later in the day, but I always like to see if I hear from first. It isn’t a bad idea do you think. I should sleep some, but I am trying to make a necklace, so I think maybe I will work on that for a while. I moved into another tent. It is about the same as the one I was in. I hope you have a good time, today beings it’s the 4th of July, but I can’t do anything. Darling I have to write a few lines to Lyle and one to your Mother. So do be good and keep well for me honey and I will always be the save for you.

                                                Pot. John R. Sankey                           

                                                                                                With all my love and kisses to

                                                                                                My dear Wife Clara

                                                                                                Your husband Johnny S.