June 3, 1944

Dearest Clara,

            I will write a few lines to you while I am waiting for mail call. By then I will be able to write a longer letter, but I’ll write an air mail anyway if I don’t get one from you. I hope my little wife is well. I am feeling good except for my cough, but I may get rid of it before very long. I can’t write very much on one of these. I’m afraid if I write too small you won’t be able to read it when it gets to you. I hope you were able to make out the ones I have already written darling! I was going to wash a pair of pants and a shirt, but the water is off for repair, so I just have to wait. I [will] write you a better letter after a while. You should be getting a bunch of them by this time. Take care of yourself honey, and I’ll be good for you.


                                                                        With lots of love and kisses to my darling wife Clara,
