Sunday, A.M.                                                                                                                          8/9/12

Elaine Darling:

            Here I am again honey and I’m so blue and lonely today. I have just gotten out of bed and so I guess I am still more or less asleep. I think I will go to church if I get this letter finished in time. Gee but I’d like to see you now. I am even more down in the dumps today than usual. I guess that’s pretty bed. One thing I can be sure of tho, I am very much in love with you. Honest, too, sweet.

            Our first dance is next Thursday and I sure hope nothing happens to keep it from coming off. I would like so much for you to be here so we could go together. I am sending you one of your invitations and since you can’t make it you can keep it as a souvenir of the first one. We sorta messed things up as you can see and the thing opens backward so you will have to take into consideration the fact that we’re mere amateurs. I do hope we have a good time for I haven’t danced in so long. I’d love to go to a good one tho – and have you floating along beside me. How does the idea sound to you? Swell huh.

            I have had some encouraging news from the Post Sergeant Mayor about my application for the flying Cadets. He told me early this week that we should get to leave here soon and golly do I ever hope he is right. I want to see you so badly I can almost taste it. Of course I don’t know what he means by-soon- but I hope it means a very short time.

            I haven’t had any letters from you lately but the planes haven’t been coming in as that should explain it. I sure could use some cheering up and the assurance that you love me. The more letters I get from you the better I like it. Your so very sweet honey.

            I got my watch back from the shop Thursday and did he ever sock me for fixing it. I don’t ever know what was wrong but there surely must have been plenty. It had been in there since the 14th of June so it certainly took long enough.

            Darling I’m in love with you. I guess that about all that is of importance anymore is to get back and see you. I do need you and want you so very much. Gee but you mean so much to me. I came in last night from work and I wasn’t sleepy so I must have lain in bed for a couple of hours and guess what I thought about- You my sweet and how we can be happiest when I get back. I can think of so many things for us to do. Go home, dance, love each other, what we’ll do at my school and so many other things.

            I must hurry if I’m going to get to church so for now- Bye now.

                                                                                    Especially for you


How do you like the song,

“Here you are”