May 4, 1945



Dear Al,


            Well hello! It sure was a surprise to hear from you. I was awfully glad to hear from you once again. Nothing better than to hear from one of the old gang. He sees Marion once in awhile, Al. I saw her the other night. Of course I don’t see her as much as I did when I was working. Boy! I wish I could still be working. But you see my mother isn’t very good and she can’t take care of the baby so I had to quit. I’m not working since December. Al, I sure agree with you when you say you wish the gang could be together again. Most of the gang is okay, but there’s a couple that won’t be back. I’ll have to ask Marion about the stitches when I see her. Don’t worry she’ll be pretty. Prettier than ever. I’ll see to that. Well that takes care of your letter. Now I’ll tell you more about the baby. She’ll be a year old by the time you receive this letter (May 13th). She doesn’t walk yet. She’s too fat. She was in the Hospital twice for pneumonia and that puts her back in her walking too. She’ll walk before you know it. Well All I guess that’s all for now so I’ll close until I hear from you again. Good Luck and God Bless you.




P.S. don’t ever think your letters bore me because it sure was swell to hear from you.   So longStitches