Australia July 12th, 1943

Sgt A.C. Meredith 13032567

432nd Fighter Squadron

475th Fighter Group

A.P.O. 923

c/o Postmaster San Francisco Calif.

Dear Mom, Dad & Marie,

            Well here I am again with my second letter to you from the 432nd. Things with me are just fine at the present and the job is really great. A few days ago I was not feeling so well, but I soon left that behind and now I feel great.

            Both of your letters with the pictures have arrived and I was mighty pleased to receive them. Dad sure looks fine, as does Frank. “Tops” sure is getting old, isn’t she?

            But the pictures of Marie just stopped me cold! I can’t say just how I felt when I saw them because I can’t describe the feeling. I guess the best way for me to put it is – a big lump came in my throat. She’s lovely!

            A letter came from Frank and as usual it was good. He does write interesting letters and I always look forward to them. In a way I am sorry that the army would not accept him, but as you said one is a plenty.

            I have been on the lookout for Jim. In fact I met a Lt., who knew him back in Columbia. I can’t say that I wish to see him, unless it is in the states.

            Back again to Marie – it was great news to hear that she had received the Bagley medal as well as an Attendance medal and right here I will say congratulations. I think you all have earned a trip to Cleveland and I hope you will enjoy every minute of it.

            From where I sit, it seems that Kitty Lord sure is rushing things since the Jim Clark lad took the leap in St. Louis. How about it? And Ann Kersey with a diamond. I am getting old.

            Well these are my comments for this time from, “the land down under,” but I will try to write soon again. Don’t worry about me as I am perfectly safe and in good health. Also don’t put too much dependence in that 18 months business, besides on August 12th my 18 will be up. You see time starts the day you leave the States. So look for me when you see me and rest easy that one of these days I will be seeing you all.

                                                                                    All my love –
