2571 Forbes St.

Jacksonville, Fla.

January 18, 1946


Dear Jack,

            No, I don’t mind you writing me.  I was somewhat surprised at the return address.  I thought Bruce had broken his arm or something. 

            You sound very nice by your description.  I’m sure you look just as well in person.  That 6’ 2” tall sounds awfully good.

            I am about five foot five inches tall, light hair and brown eyes.  I love to dance, do anything energetic.  I haven’t any more pictures of myself at present.  We may take some snapshots Sunday.  If they come out all right I’ll send you one.  I would like one very much of you. 

            My girlfriend and I went to a movie today. We saw “Call of the Wild.”  It’s an old picture but I surely did enjoy it.

            So you’re big brother to three brothers and a sister.  I am quite the opposite. I have three brothers and one sister all older than me. 

            Before you all leave for Camp Pendleton won’t you get a leave to go home? You should.

            Oh yes has Bruce ever told you about his extra special girl?  Her name is Betty Jean Carden.  I used to tease him about her all the time.  She lives in his home town.  She is really game for him.

            Well Jack I have a few more letters to write.  Have to keep my boys in the service satisfied so I’ll close.  Hoping to hear from you soon.


