May 12, 44

Dear Mom & Dad,

            Well we are still sitting around but I think we will be leaving tomorrow. All we have been doing is drawing camouflage things.

            So many things happened on the trip out here that I can’t think of them all, but when we left tent city we put a little dog about Spot’s size that had been staying around the camp, on the train with us, and he came all the way across the states with us. Every time we would get off the train to exercise or eat, the dog would get off right behind us.

            Down here every morning an Ice Cream truck comes down here and sells it for a quarter. It’s a box about the size of a quart and has 8 sandwiches of cream.

            Well, I don’t know anything else.

            Tell Julia to send me Bobby T’s address. I had some information written down on the back of the letter for the Lt. and he wanted it. I forgot about the address till I started to write him.

            Just after that last time we fell out and went over and drew 2 wool shirts. They didn’t have but 2 sizes “2” & “3” so they gave us one of each. A size “0” fits me so you can imagine what a “3” fits like. I think it would be even too big for dad. Oh well it’ll keep me warm as a night gown. Ha! Ha!


With love

Your Son
