Thursday August 10 1944

Portland Army Air Base


Dear Mom:


Received you letter as well as Marg’s and Marie’s yesterday and was very glad to hear from you all. I would have answered them yesterday, but the Sergeant in charge of the Printing Shop had invited me to the N.C.O. Club for a party they have once each month. The parties usually fall on the last Wednesday in the month. On top of that, after eating my supper last night, I layed – down on my bunk and fell fast asleep. When I awoke it was nine o’clock and there was a note from the Sarge, saying, that if I still want to come over to the Club, then call at the door and ask for him. That I did, and we had a right nice time. We sang songs and some of the boys told jokes ( what Jokes ) of course they had Beer for those who wanted to drink some, also soft drinks for the sissy’s (like me). All in all we had a nice time. The Club closes at 11 o’clock, so you see we couldn’t stay out to late.


Changing squadrons doesn’t mean anything other than that squadron A is the Headquarters squadron.


I am very glad to know that Harvey has been in a couple of days. I just know you like that. I am trying to get a furlough along about Sept. 12th. That would put me home around the 16th. I sure hope I can get it. Better still, I hope they release the fellows that are over 35. That would be glorious for me. It would be better than the time I got out of school Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.


Where does Uncle Johnny Live? Did he live with Rosey? Gee, he gets sick often, then I hope he don’t come to visit you very often.


I’m kind of worried about Pop’s eye. Do you think it is a serious operation? How long will it take? Will it impair his sight after the operation? Or will he regain his normal vision? I certainly hope it won’t take long and hope everything will be all right.


So you heard from Charles. That is very good news, when you don’t hear anything for such a long time, it does worry one bout defineately. He must be very proud of those 38 flags his ship is carring. I know I would be. Have you heard from Cap? I guess he has all the WACS nuts over there. He does if I know him.


I don’t know as you will get any of that water from next door as your foundation is very very thick and solid. In the groove, in other words.


The weather up here has been very nice with the exception of one or two days. At that time we had rain. I still sleep with those two blankets on. Believe it or not.


Now DICK if that foundation has all of that water in it don’t you dare to try to go swimming in it. I will be over your head and you know you can’t swim. So there.

From the way you write, I don’t think Howard likes the Navy any more. Can’t see how he can.

No Marg, my back has been treeting me very nicely these days, I hope it continues to be that way. You ask about Harold. POOR POOR Harold the Dumb cluck lost 40 dollars in a crap game the other day. Did I laugh---- he is broke now, and goes around moaning about it. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. He more of less blames it on me. He said I should have told him to stop. I said, Brother, I’m not your keeper. Your 3 x 7 and got a mind of your own. If you can’t stop them I’m sure I can’t make you. So that was that. Otherwise he is alright and getting along good.


Say MARIE, you are quite a typist. I didn’t know you could type so well. You letter looks wonderful. Your touch is very even and your spacing is perfect. I’m very proud of you. Although you didn’t have much to say. I will answer your questions nevertheless. Yes, I hear from Matt every day. There must have been a storm in the middle west, as I received four letter at one time bearing different dates. She is OK that is what she tells me in her letters anyway. So it must be so. I guess the new shift does take up a lot of her time. I remember working a shift like that too. It was down the Rolling Mill. You get to be late and sleep as long as you can. It really don’t give one much time.


Well, I think I have covered about everything for now. So, I will close hoping everything at home remains as is, and I know you all are pulling for me.


                                                                                                LOVE TO ALL


                                                                                                Norman Lee.