Nashville, Tenn

16 January 1945


Dear Cora,

            You do not know me but I have heard so much about you from Smitty that it almost comes naturally to call you by your first name ___ so please forgive the presumption.

            Before I left Cebu Smitty loaned me 100 dollars. I landed on the 7th of this month and was smoked to death with processing and separation until the 13th after that I misplaced your address and it has taken me until today to locate it. Tell Smitty – he’ll understand. You see, he knows how absent-minded I usually am.

            Anyhow, enclosed is a money order for the 100 dollars. Please give this to Doc Smith for me and tell him that it really came in handy and many thanks.

            And thank you, Cora, for your kindness.

                                                With best wishes,

                                                            J. Midelholtz    MD

P.S.     Please tell Doc that I’ll write again soon.