August 11, 1942

Monday Evening

Dearest Janie,

            Well sweetheart here it is another day gone and another day closer to seeing you.  Seems that it never will get here.  Maybe I am too anxious.  Anyway it would be so very long now.

            I kinda expected a letter today but didn’t get one.  Maybe I will tomorrow.  The mail service has been poor.  I don’t think they get or send out mail here but about two times a week.

            How are you feeling honey?  By the time you get this letter it will be almost time for you to go to the hospital, won’t it?  I worry so much that the baby will be born before I get there that I don’t know what to do.  Because I sure want to be with you when the baby is born.  Maybe I will get there in time.  Let me know what the doctor says about it.

            Did the Red Cross ever send the letter requesting a furlough?  Let me know.  Also honey, see if there is any way to borrow money from the Red Cross there so I can come home.  As far as I can find out there isn’t a Red Cross office here.  Ask the Red Cross office there about it.

            I don’t think I will get any money at all payday.  I had the $35.00 installment dropped and changed it to the $22 a month so you could get the extra money.  And they tell me at the personnel office that they are taking out for three months the month that will be $66 so I wont get a thing at all.  Because when you are in the field there isn’t any means of communication at all.  So see if it might be born before the 1st.  If so I could leave around the 2nd and get there pretty close to the right time.

            Sweetheart I will stop now as I have run out of anything to say.  I work all night drawing rations now and sleep during the day so I will have more of a chance to write. 

            Tell Mother Dad and Sybil hello for me and tell them I love them.  Let me know what was the matter with Jeanette (Jeanelle?)

            Be sure and write real soon.

Love to all


P.S: Did Mother ever get her money back that she sent to Los Angeles?
