Monday, 7:00 A.M.


Dear Dot and Dana,


            I was out to sea yesterday afternoon and evening.  Everything went swell.  We got back in about ten o’clock and I got to bed about eleven.  Gee, was I tired, I hated to get up this morning, but I managed to crawl out about six o’clock.  If we sleep any later an officer comes around every morning and if there is anyone in the sack he takes their name and they get extra work.  I haven’t got caught yet.  This morning we have abandoned ship, Gee I dread it, but guess I’ll make it O.K.  As I said in my last letter that I couldn’t find a card and I don’t believe I will be able to send you a gift in the first place I wouldn’t be able to find anything and I had better save my money in case I can come home a little later.  Hope you won’t feel bad about it.  I’ll make up for it sometime.  We turn our boats in Saturday and will leave here anytime after that, probably sometime next week.  I won’t know if I will have a leave until I reach my next base.  It might be N.Y. or it could be most any place.  I didn’t get a letter yesterday so I can’t think of much to write about.


Love and Kisses,
