“Somewhere in the Pacific”

February 1, 1945

Dear Carson,

            I almost made this a v-mail but thought as I hadn’t written something in so long maybe I’d better try to do better. I’ll be able to write more regularly from now on tho’ what I can say I don’t know, so I think you can look for plenty of V’s now.

            We’ve gotten lots of mail lately including the rut of our Christmas parcels. Yours came in good condition, as did the others and thanks very much. Everything is very much appreciated and will be useful. Martha sent the sandals and shorts and all are too small, but don’t tell her. I think the sandals are “Women,” as they are 71/2 E’s and way to small! Maybe I can run up on some somewhere soon. It’s too bad we couldn’t have gotten some of these earlier and other food several months ago when we needed it so badly, as we are getting good food now and regularly. Yesterday we had fresh turkey for the second time this week- this A.M. we had some good fresh eggs fried for us individually as we waited. Also have lots of good beef now and other things.

            Madaleine sent a fruit cake and a can of her boiled ham. The S.S. Class sent me a nice pocket book and the Tysons a nice box. Unusual books and magazines were included and will be enjoyed.

            We rec’d all our back pay to-day, or most of it up to January 1st. We have a little pocket money for a change! We’ve really had a chance to save some the last few months and still have.

            I got Betty’s letter yesterday and enjoyed it. I hope she is OK by now and passed all those exams! Mother wrote from Laverne’s last and seems to be having a big time going here and there. I’m glad she got away before the real bad weather. Ester was looking for her when he wrote and seemed to be expecting a lot of “teas” and other mild entertainment! He said he enjoyed his trip and thus he didn’t get to do much hunting. I got fourteen letters in one day and lots of Graphics, the latest, - December 8th!

            I hear on the radio that Russia is only seventy- five miles from Berlin and that all our armies are advancing too, so it looks like the end may not be too far away. Maybe Japan will give up even too long and we really hope they do. Nothing would suit us better than to get this thing over with and get home soon!

            Mother sent me a picture of Laverne’s baby and was really surprised that he was so good looking. Much different than when I saw him last (at 4 days old!)- I sent my last letter to her to North Carolina - so hope she gets it.

            I saw Eddie Cantor in “Show Business” last night- the second time I’ve seen it, but it’s something to kill time. The beer-drinkers are enjoying plenty of beer now and I hear that Cokes are coming in to-morrow.

            They heard from Paul and he was OK up to December 15th. I guess he has seen plenty of action lately and hope he is still OK. Aunt L. Kate said Lawrence was still in San Diego.

            Thanks again for the package and all the letters were enjoyed.

                                                                        Love Yall
