Hoffman Island N.Y.

Dear Nick,

            I got your letter and was glad to hear everything is all right.  I am the same.  I got a letter from home the other day and everything is ok.  We got a raise from $21 a month to $50 a month so this pay I’ll get $25 plus back pay till June 1.  I think I’ll be out on the 3rd of July but I don’t know for sure yet.  I don’t know yet how long of a leave I’ll get yet to go home on.  They wrote from home that Pee Wee may be home around Aug 1 sometimes.  I wrote Anna once since I was in Aberdeen but got no answer yet, I don’t know why she [doesn’t] write.  I never wrote to Dan yet, but I will soon.  Did Johnnie ever pay out your share of the car yet?  Don’t answer this letter because I don’t think I’ll be here after this Friday, wait till you hear from me.  Does Dan like it in the Marines?  I owe him $2 that I borrowed from him when I was in Aberdeen and this pay I’ll send it to him.  I got 1 tooth pulled out here but never got any fixed yet.  Did you see Chinkey B. yet?  Well, I guess this is all I can think of just now.  Send best regards,

George D.

            Wait till I write before you write, most likely I’ll be home then.