
Friday Mar. 9, 1945


Dearest Mary,

            At last my long wait has ended. I had three letters today, one was quite old. Jan. 29th – the other two were from the 27th and 28th of Feb. Now I know you know where I’m located. I guess I was just as surprised as you when we landed in Paris. So far, I haven’t done much sight seeing- but I expect to have Sunday off and I’ll see a little more then.

I’ve just re-read my letters Honey, and there’s so much I’ve wanted to hear you say. I guess I’ll have to re-read them three or four more times before I know all they contain.

            To answer one of the questions, I have the pictures I was telling you about – Just received them today. I’m enclosing them in this letter. It certainly took a long time to get them, didn’t it Bum? I’m sorry I didn’t get more pictures of London, but it was pretty hard to get pictures with all the rain. I must admit I was lazy too – and slept when I should have been out looking over the city. Some of the other fellows have some pictures; they’re having some extras made for me.

            I did tell you about the package I received. The one you sent for Johnny. Everything was swell too – Amelia’s cookies, the black crows, the special little box of cookies from my own Mish, and the huge box of peanuts. We ate the latter yesterday morning at work. First to be different we toasted them. Everyone said “Thanks and they’re swell! Your wife knows just what you like.” I say she does!! Don’t worry about the package not arriving for Christmas, they’re wonderful no matter when they arrive, and I’ll like everything they contain. So far I’ve received three since some time last November. Guess I’ll just write the shoes off as being last. No Mish, I haven’t received the letter that you asked about, I’m anxious to see it though. I do hope that particular package gets through.

            No doubt you’ve received the money order by this time; I hope it arrived when you could use it. Sorry I had to wait so long, but you know now why it was held up. Don’t worry; I’ve kept all I need. I’m planning to send all the extra I have at the end of each month. It should be about twenty five dollars this month. There’s been no place to spend it for the past several months. I got quite a head start when I received two months pay at once. So I’ve been quite some ahead ever since. You mentioned that you’d like something from “Over there” – So I may spend some of it for something you’d like, besides the perfume. Guess that’s about all now Dearest – All our love Always – Mon Marie – Oui! Oui!

                                                                           Your Frank