15 May L944


Dearest Mine,


            It looked for a little while that I was going to get to come up on a ferry trip like the one Jimmy made but I have just finished a phone call which has dashed that hope to the ground. It was this way, another Colonel who was supposed to go had to depart on another mission so I stuck my oar in ad did my best which was pretty good for a while. Then they decided to wait the trip for the other guy so now I guess it is time to give that idea up and start working on another one. You see what I have firmly fixed in my mind don’t you little bug. I’ll get there, too, somehow before to much time has gone by the board.


            Yesterday, Sunday was a slow and tiresome day. I went to the matinee in the afternoon and again that night to the main picture. I slept late for the first time in months and just horsed around the rest of the day sewing on buttons and taking care of my few but necessary household duties. No cleaning up like at 6919 for my Barbados maid does a pretty good job of that. What’s more she seems satisfied to stay which is a treat for they change around a great deal like they do there as a rule. Boy, oh boy, what I wouldn’t give to be able to be doing a little cleaning job there with my honeybunch giving the direction fast and furiously and then giving that old inspection eye to each completed job. Of course a little time out now and then for other things just because I love you.

*(in right margin beside underlined words: “please note!”*

            I haven’t heard a word from Dick or about him. I suppose that by this time he is overseas someplace for he was alerted some time ago and sent me a temporary APO number. I would like to know where he is and just what he is doing. I sure hope the boy comes thru OK. I’ll let you know if I hear from him or about him.


            Darling mine, I know that you will excuse this short note this morning. I had to get something off to you for you were on my mind so much especially yesterday when I spend almost the entire day with you. Next letter I will be a little more lengthy and interesting I hope. In the meantime I hope for a letter or two from you my darling which always helps my letter writing. If you are like I am even a note is always welcome for you are writing in long hand the letters seem to just almost dissolve before my eyes. I liked that typewriter because a fellow had to write more and you didn’t seem to tire so quickly. No kicks my sweet just talking. I love you my dearest and if I never write any more than that I want you to know and believe that with all you heart. So very very much. Adios sweet girl.

