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Darling girl,


            On some days when I sit down to write you a letter the words just flow out with the greatest of ease and then on others they are hard to find. It all depends on the things that are coming up in the office. I try to lay out a nice letter in my mind and then write it but when the interruptions are numerous that is hard to do. I have been having a go around the last few days, just busy you know. Your letter this morning again complained of lack of mail and that generally worries me for I don’t want you to feel that I am neglecting my baby. In fact I have written regularly and expect that the letters are really on their way and just not delivered yet.


            Your news about the furniture was good and I am anxious to see it. I know that you picked out attractive coverings with that usual good taste of yours. You picked me out so it must be good. Just skip that Toots for it’s just in fun. On that basis my taste must be equally as good eh? I know that it is not though for I like checks and plaids??


            The present status of our household is one of trying to make arrangements as to the book keeping, laundry expenses, cleaning materials etc. The striker does the purchasing and one of us gives him the money and then the problem of collecting arises. We will probably end up with a house manager and I will not be him being the senior member of the establishment. We will have to await Robert’s arrival to get the business set up. That will put four of us in the house which is quite a change from me all by my lonesome. There is a continual chess game going by some two members all the time. We just go away and leave it and come back from work and take it up again. We also need some furniture as our house is practically bare except for the bed rooms with no place for anyone to sit down. We will catch some departing member of the post and ream him out of his eye teeth one of these days with a fair split among us in so doing.


            As soon as Roberts arrives I will be off to show him around the outlaying organization and I will probably be away for a spell. I am due to go out again anyway so have put it off pending his arrival to save too many trips. That should be next week sometime.


            Be sure to keep me informed about any of those pending changes in the TC personnel that you were talking about. I am always interested in the arrivals and departures of the lads and where they are going. I believe that RF is one of the best places in the army for the news and rumors. They are very scarce down here. I believe that the ladies help that situation along quite a bit. There being none here we are barren of the latest. So you see you have a duty to perform for I will dutifully pass them along to the others.


            Maybe Brant would have some knowledge of the promotions that are to be made and when they are likely to be published. Next time you might ask him.

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            Tommy Musgrrves is still acting chief of staff down here. Charlie will love hearing that. I don’t know when the old man intends getting a new man or just what the situation is there but Tommy has been as successful as ever in getting everybody mad at him. Except me for I don’t place that much importance on his funny ways. General H. is in a spot and will have to take time to get out of it by finding a new man and good men are hard to find. So I play ball for his sake and to keep the war going full tilt. That’s the best way.


            I am about to be off and get a haircut at the club house. I keep it real short down here and you probably wouldn’t like it much. It’s getting so darn white that it won’t make much difference in a short while anyway. But don’t let that fool you my lady. I have reversed my field and have taken on about five pounds which I am immediately setting out to take off again. No more of that long arduous twenty five pound business. The mess is too darn good and I got to eating lunch again. I stopped that today and am back on the good old bowl of soup. Isn’t life wonderful. Wait till I get that ranch and start to take life easy ????? Don’t guess I will ever get to the point that I won’t hate being to fat. Oh well ----.


            Ladybug I will close and all my love to you sweet. Don’t fry up there during the next two months.

