Dearest Mother, Daddy, & Mitty,
I went to church this A.M. It was a good service and I enjoyed it. Sally said she would come out this late P.M. so time will tell. I had a good dinner and got two ice creams for desert. You know me—Ha! Ha!

            Received your letter just since I came back and thought I would answer it now. Yes, Mitty is really cutting a fast step. All this social life.

            No, I figured you had not said anything about it, I don’t tell all I know either—if you do, then everyone knows all you know and what they know—therefore they know more than you do. Ha! Ha!

            Well—I sold my wristwatch to Waltham Watch Co. The case played out and I wanted it expertly checked. It played out last week, boy, I miss it too.

            Yes Mother—Muffin Street is nice and not so dead. It will always have life. Well Mother the bus goes right past the church and that will be even easier than our church street, wont it?

            Gee Mother—why does high blood pressure have to be your trouble and sugar. The way you live there should be no trouble—goodnite!—when you see how people live and eat and drink and caress around—they should be sick. I wish you and dad could get clear of these ailments—goodnite! you are good for 30 years at least and good and healthy too.

            Well, by the time you get this letter the bad news about my wanting some money will have reached you. Now Mother—if it works a hardship just don’t do it. I’ll find it out later and that won’t be satisfactory. If it is oh, but 50 is not possible at once then send half of it and the rest later. However understand I am paying it back—the first chance I get, whenever that is.
                                                                        I must sign off and study--
