Dearest Sweetheart,

            Just received your letter and was glad to hear from you. I thought of you Tues. at 2:00 P.M. and while marching I whispered a word and I hope the good Lord heard me. It was pretty cold but somehow I knew where you were and I was awful close as far as my mind was. So you think he will be able to do the trick. Gosh honey—didn’t the specialist in Philadelphia say the same thing? It will be wonderful to get the cleaned up.

            Gosh—we tumbled this at maybe 1:00-2:00 and boy am I sick. You can’t eat because of the exercise and you get sick because it is too long till supper. Say honey—the next time you get to Rea & Derrick get some of those Cold & Grippe capsules. I have enough to do me until September I believe. I believe every man has a cold. You get coughed on the face, arms, back—hands—goodnight. I think I am getting along—and someone with a terrible cold coughs right in your face. I feel good but between tumbling, swimming, colds I take those capsules when I get a headache and drink plenty of water.

            Boy am I getting in shape. Not losing weight but legs are solid—arms solid—and talk about stunts, imagine me doing cartwheels, handstands, forward & backward rolls—dives, etc. My muscles pain but I’ll come out ok.

            Well—I feel better now—my tummy is full and I am ready to complete this letter wash and steady. Friday A.M. we take out first of 3 tests on the Blue Jackets Manual. Boy—there is plenty to learn. This P.M. we had Seamanship—I learned to tie the following knots—overhand, square, clove hitch, rolling hitch, timber hitch, back bend, and about 7 or 8 others. It was fun. I enjoyed it.

            The mail is slow because we are quarantined and we must send it to the adjutant’s office then to Post Office. I thought my mail was getting to you in one day—like your letters do.

            So—you are on the gain—well—isn’t that something. Well, tomorrow is just another work day. We get turkey for dinner, but we stay right at our work. Oh! Well—I would sooner do that than sit around.

            I see where Gen. Patton got tough once too often. I am afraid he will pay too high price for such conduct if the story is true. Berlin took one on the nose for 2 nights straight. Well—I say 15 months and it will be over. I look for 1945 to settle it. At any rate—I expect to be in here 6 months after it is over—that is one sure thing.

            The two squads just below us are the last two squads to get 1st P.O. Ratings. They were happy today when the list was read. I just wonder what they expect to do about it. Mr.Turnny claimed—Athletics had no connection with winning a war—and somehow there is no one sticking up for the Specialist A P.L. School or this would not have happened. One sure thing they cannot lower the standards. So—I can’t get better than a 2nd class out of it.

            Well, dearest, I must work
            Remember me to all—
            P.S. Did the putty get on the windows? I am glad you have a convenient garage.