Sun 8 p.m.

9 June 46


My darling Fran:


            I’ll assure you before hand you won’t be too pleased with this letter because I haven’t a damn thing to put in it. I didn’t get up until 10 o’clock this morning and I haven’t moved from the hotel, only to play “catch” outside with Mike this afternoon for about one hour. Jim and Paul were over visiting the British this afternoon so I took a short nap. After they came back we just sat around shooting the bull until supper. After supper we had our baths, and then of course proceeded to write to our darlings. Jimme is writing or rather typing to his girl. I suppose before long somebody will start hollering lets play bridge, but first of all I’m going to finish this letter. Paul and Jim were over to the house and they were putting up the screens and curtains so tomorrow we are definitely going to move. All of us are very anxious to get in the new house and I guess from the pictures I sent you, you can see why. The British are “pissed off” to think we have such a beautiful place and they have to live in dirty old barracks, but who the hell do they think they are anyway. One thing I mustn’t forget to tell my darling- I love her and I’ll always love her more than anything in the world. Darling be a good girl and don’t ever stop loving me. Give my regards to your folks, Ges. & Blanch, and all our friends.

With all my love,

Your honey always


P.S. Don’t forget the picture.