Tuesday 5 PM.

9 April 46


My darling wife:-

            Stan and I just returned from down town. We had regular classes this morning and this afternoon was set aside for interviews and photographs. They called us in one by one, asked is where we would like to be assigned and they don’t mean in the states either darn it. Well I asked for the Philippines but it seems as though they aren’t sending anymore there so I requested the 4th Region which is the southern part of Japan. After the interview we were photographed for our credentials. He (the School Commandant) told me my reports were satisfactory although I fell below my last weeks mark on the exam. Last week I got 85 this week I only got 81. We were finished at 2 o’clock today so Stan & I took in a movie and stage show at Ernie Pyle’s, seen “Because of Him” starring Deanna Durbin, Franchot Tone, and Charles Laughton. The stage show was nothing more than an orchestra although they were good. After the show we had our usual coffee and doughnuts we then picked up our rations at the P.X. returning home. I thought I’d write you before supper so that it’s done in the event we go to the show or to the Beer Hall. The boys are planning a beer party for this coming Tuesday evening. They are going to clean out the classroom here in the building so I guess we will be swimming in beer. It’s just for the fellows in our class. Last night Stan, Strime and myself went to the beer hall and while I was down there I visited the souvenir P.X. it was just closing but they left me in. They might just as well locked me out because they didn’t have anything. I did buy a package of 3 pure silk men’s hankies they cost me 25 yen. Today I bought some sort of a silk picture that hangs on the wall so when I collect a few more things I’ll mail them home. The only mail I received today was a letter from my mother dated March 20th so if I have time before supper I’ll answer it. Well darling you may be interested to know I love you more than anything in the world and always will. I miss you more every day dear. If it wasn’t for having to return to this god-forsaken place I’d enlist for one year just to get that 30 day furlough at home with my honey. Well honey I’ll be back again tomorrow so be a good girl and keep writing. Give my best wishes to your mother & dad, Geo & Blanch, and all our friends.

With all my love,

I love you dear.                                    Your honey.