October 14, 1944

                                                                                                Saturday Morning

            Dear Ken,

                                    Just got home from spending the night with Mrs. Ronald and her family and had a lovely time. We had cocktails before dinner and sauterne wine with our dinner. You will begin to think I’m an old souse, which isn’t true, even though I enjoy one before dinner. Everytime I go to Berkeley, I become quite nostalgic, because I always felt that Berkeley, more than anyplace else, seemed like home to me. As a matter of fact, I like it much better than San Francisco, but I don’t want to move because, here, I am nearer to your friends if they should come in. Probably I shall never see any of them now that I have moved over here. On the way home, I stopped at the Emporium Dept. store to make reservations for the trip back east. I can pick up my tickets next Saturday. They cost $150 round trip and I can leave Thursday morning, Nov. 9th on Santa Fe to LA. Then take the southern route to St. Louis. Will know more details when I get the tickets. Wish you were going with me; think of the time we would be having. There are so  many things to do before next week is over that I’m dizzy just thinking about them, let alone performing any of them. Assuming that I start home that day, when should you start writing my letters home? Darling, there just must be one there for me when I arrive. I’ll be so disappointed being away in a strange land and no letters for comfort!

                                                                                                                        Love, Berna Lou