October 4, 1944
Wednesday Night

Dearest Darling;

            It really doesn’t seem that three years ago we decided to spend the rest of our lives together, for better, for worse; it seems that the worse has almost happened; we have separated for three of our anniversaries; we’ve never spent one together yet. Little did I dream this would be the situation that lovely October night in New York City when we frantically hunted and combed the city for a minister. Wonder what ever happened to him? Wonder if he’s in the army too?

            Those few days we spent in New York and Schenectady was marvelous, weren’t they? Have always felt badly because I haven’t had a chance to really show you what I can do for you; the longer the separation, the more determined I am to work even harder for you and make up for lost time. One of these days, I’ll send you a long list of goals I hope we can attain together; they follow yours very closely.

            Darling, tell me how you spent this evening and what you were thinking. Leona was so sweet to me - - entertained me at the Women’s Athletic Club here in the city. She’s a rare friend. Oh yes, another wedding gift although he didn’t know it - - - a nice letter from Ralph Cappel - - would give most anything to see him, too. Wonder if the three of us will ever meet again at West Lafayette??

I love you,
Berna Lou