Tuesday Afternoon

My Dear Sweetheart;

Now I’m all set! This morning I saw the Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist, and he examined my nose, pressed around my eyes, etc. I heard him give his report to the stenographer- pansinusitis, complete obstruction of all sinuses and allergic rhinitis. He could tell I have hay fever.  

Naturally, I asked him how I could prevent reoccurrence of this and the report wasn’t too encouraging. He said there just wasn’t any way to prevent this – it would just happen. I have to stay in bed until Friday, and go back to see him. In the meantime, I’m taking Ephedrine and Nembutal, which I believe will help me. Sure disgusts me- have lost, or will lose at least two weeks of school. Will have to work myself to death to catch up! Thank heaven, I’m not working this term, or I’ll never keep up.

This staying in bed is the worst part of all! Uncle Clifford has completely taken over my household! Cooking and dishwashing too! He’s pretty well to me.

Well have to try to study – must keep up some way. Will probably have lots do when I get started again.

                                                                                                            Bye and Love, Berna Lou