October 30, 1943

Saturday A.M.

My Darling,

            Just came home from registering for the fall terms and again, paying my $102.50. You know, I almost got out of paying the $75 through an error of the girl who registered me. I even called it to her attention and she said I didn’t have to pay it. After insisting that the University wasn’t going to miss such an opportunity to squeeze blood out of a turnip, I asked to see the man in charge. Well, naturally, it was an error and I had to give over the money. This time I don’t mind because they will be giving it back to me very soon.

            You’ve never mentioned what you think of my receiving this stipend for the second time! Now come on and say something! Hope you’re pleased. 287.5 X 2 = 545.00 free dear!

