Philippine Islands

March 31, 1945


My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello darling little wife, how is my sweet little angel. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Well sugar no mail today but I am sure hoping that tomorrow brings some. Gosh Honey your precious letters mean so awful, awful darn much to me and make me so awful, awful happy. They are so sweet darling and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gosh Honey it gives me the grandest feeling when I get your precious letters. Won’t it be heavenly when we are back in each others arms and won’t have to write letters any more darling. I sure hope you are getting my letters all right now dearest. Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now darling. Well Honey it has been another awful day here, rained all day almost and I was out all day. Didn’t get so very wet today though. It is awful hot right now, not any breeze at all. Gee darling it will be so darn wonderful when I am back in your sweet arms and back to a swell climate. Sure hope you are having some nice weather now dearest. Well Honey I go on the nite shift this next week. We are going to be off all day tomorrow on account of Easter. First full official day off we have had since October.

            This is Saturday night Honey and tomorrow Easter Sunday and gee how I long to be in your precious arms dearest. We would be so awful, awful happy dearest and be having so much fun. I am sure hoping that next Easter finds this whole thing over and I believe it will or pretty close to it anyway. It looks as though Germany is finished and at the rate things are going it will all be over over there in a few days. Gee but I hope they keep right on going now and end it right away. That will help end this that much sooner and the better chance I will have staying at home when I get there dearest. It would be so heavenly if we could be together tonite dearest. Saturday nite was always our most important nite cause we didn’t have to get up early on Sunday and we could stay out late and we usually always had something planned for Saturday nite too. It will be the same way now that we are married too dear or so much more heavenly, I will be with you all day Saturday Honey, helping you around the house and we will be doing our shopping and things like that and then do whatever we want to on Saturday nite. Honey remember when I used to stop by on Saturdays and you wouldn’t be expecting me, wasn’t it wonderful dearest. Gosh Honey it will all be so wonderful and we will be so awful darn happy when we can really start our life together.

            Sure glad you got the money order dearest. Evey little bit we save now darling is that much closer to our home and all be our very own and that means so awful much to us dearest. Honey whenever I send you money I want you to use it if you need anything or want anything in any way dearest. Darling I want you to have anything you want in any way and whenever you want it dear. Gosh Honey you said you had four hundred and twenty five dollars in bonds now. That sure is swell dearest and Honey I am so awful proud of you. I’ll say they will be quite a bit toward our home and all and our family dear. I’ll say it will really help our twins dearest. Gosh Honey won’t it be heavenly when we can have our little family, gee but we will be happy dearest.

            Sure glad you got out home last Friday nite dearest. Gosh Honey it makes the folks so darn happy when you get out and I know you like to go out too dearest. You said you rode out with two girls that live in Bonner and got off and talked with Helen quite a little while. Sure glad you got a ride right out like that dearest. Sure glad you all went shopping too Honey, Boy Honey Mother sure thought your Easter outfit was swell and so pretty. Sure wish I could see it dearest but I will in pictures when you send them dearest. You had better take me some sweet pictures tomorrow dearest. I sure hope you get your corsage all right darling. I couldn’t send one from here like I have been able to some times so I just wrote Mother and told her to get one for me for my darling little angel. Gosh Honey it will be so darn swell when we are back in each others arms and can get each other the things we want to and whenever we want to.

            Well dolly you said you thought your vacation would be the last two weeks in May. Sure hope so dearest and Honey that will be a swell time of the year too I think. Yes Honey I think that April would be a prety bad month to get it in cause it is always raining so much of the time and it is usually pretty cool too. You said you was going to get you a permenant now right away and thought you would get it while you were on your vacation. That would be a swell time to get it alright dear cause that is a pretty tiresome go and you would have plenty of time then too. Sure hope you get your raise now Honey cause you sure have it coming. They may not be able to give you more though on account of the government wage scale but sure hope they can darling.

            Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much and dearest you know I always will. You are so darn sweet and so precious in every way darling. Gee darling isn’t it wonderful to really own each other. I know that there isn’t or never will be a happier married couple than us dear. Honey I know God hears our prayersand will watch over us and protect us and keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Gosh Honey we have our meeting planned so perfect and it means so awful, awful much to us. Darling I’ll bet we will hold each other tighter and kiss each other longer than any time we ever did in our life. We will be so awful close together dearest and Honey I’ll bet we won’t be together many minutes before we are closer together than ever, how about it dear. Gee darling you are such a perfect little wife, so awful pretty and so darn sweet. Honey dear please take wonderful care of my precious parts, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so awful darn much. Yours are fine dearest, miss you so awful darn much but they will be together before so very long now. Gosh Honey isn’t it wonderful to know that the most of our waiting is over and that our day is in the near future and that every day is so much closer to our meeting. Honey you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so awful darn much and dearest you know I always will.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dearest. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful are of my sweet little wife. Remember now dolly chin up and always happy. Tell all hellp baby.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so awful awful much.