Philippine Islands

February 24, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my wonderful little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Gosh Honey I got three of the sweetest letters today and I was so darn thrilled to get them dear. They were so darn sweet and precious Honey, just like all your wonderful letters are. They were the sixth, eighth, and tenth of February dear so that was darn good. I also got one from the folks and one from Mac and Peg. Honey dear your precious letters mean so awful, awful darn much to me and they are so sweet. They make me so darn happy dear and make me feel so wonderful all over. Honey dear it gives me the grandest feeling when I can get your precious letters. Sure hope you are getting my mail all right now dearest. Honey you had got mail from me in all your letters today and I was so darn thrilled to hear that darling. Gee but it will be wonderful when we are in each others arms dear and won’t have to write letters any more. You are so darn sweet dolly and I love you so awful, awful darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now darling. Well Honey it has been a nice clear day today but it sure has been hot. This is about seven thirty in the evening dear and boy it is sure hot. There isn’t a breeze of any kind. Boy Honey I know how we will be dressed on a nite like this when I get back in your sweet arms. Gosh Honey won’t it be wonderful to dress how ever we want to when we get home from work, gee we will always be so comfortable dearest. Sure hope the weather isn’t to bad at home now darling.  Well Honey I worked the regular day shift today and boy it sure is a hot go. Honey it will be so darn heavenly when I am back in your sweet arms and back to a swell climate.

            Honey you were explaining to me in one of your letters about where your place is. I think I have a good idea now dear. You said that instead of turning at that road down about two hundred feet you go on and wind around that road. If you turned at that road you would go by Charles Regg’s wouldn’t you dear or do you remember where he lives. I think  I am thinking about the right place all right Honey. Gee I am glad you got over there dear and got a nice little place. Boy Honey Mother and Dad sure do like your place and I sure wish theirs was fixed up with a nice bathroom. You will really have to show me all around when I get home dearest. Honey dear it will be so darn heavenly when we are back in each others arms and can really start our life together and have our little home. We will be so awful, awful happy dearest and everything will be so heavenly.

            Honey I was sure surprised to hear about Helen getting the post office job. That will sure be swell for her and she will be right there close to home to. I’ll bet you do hate to see her quit dear cause like you said Honey you have really become good pals. Her and Jude are two swell people and I really like them. You said you told Helen that when I came home you would take the car and go get her and go up to Helen Huffs. Sure dearest when ever you want to go any place all you will have to do is take me to work in the morning and come and get me at nite and you will be able to go any place you want to dolly. You said Noels finally bought their place there to. I sure do like the place there where they live, that is the way it is situated. I sure hope when we get out new home dear that we can find a nice place and we are going to look around until we do get a place we really like dear. Honey you said that Jude thought maybe he might get laid off down at the bomber plant and then he and Helen could both take care of the post office. Boy that would sure be swell for them. I sure do hope we can get something in a few years so we can be together all the time Honey and I won’t have to leave you all day. You asked me what I intended to do when I get home dear. Yes darling I intend to go back to the shop and finish my trade. Sure Honey if I get a better job some place other than my trade I will always have my trade to fall back on. It is a good job its self dear and pays good wages and I was in good with all the fellows in the union and have worked for three companies and I know I could go back to work for any of them any time they have an opening. A guy gets a start in something like that and you really try to do right and you will get along all right. I sure do hope that we can get up a little business dear or something like Helen got there. In ordinary times a job like that really would make a nice living. Gee darling it will be so darn swell when we can really start our life together and live the life we have dreamed of for so long.

            Honey dear I sure hope this finds you feeling swell and everything going along all right in every way at home. Sure hope you aren’t working to hard now dearest. Please take it easy now darling and don’t work to hard now and please take wonderful care of my sweet little wife dear.

            Darling I was sure glad to hear that you got a ride to and from work cause that is sure swell dearest. Gosh Honey you said you didn’t have to leave until seven forty five and get home at four fifty. Gee darling you go right to the office and leave right from the office and gosh Honey not having to spend so much time going to and from work. Honey how far do you have to walk now. It will sure be swell when spring comes dear and you won’t have to walk in the cold. That is sure cheap to dear, just two dollars every pay day. Sure hope that little girl keeps on driving now dear and you can ride with her every day.

            Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much and dearest you know I always will. You are so darn sweet and so precious in every way dolly. Honey we are so happily married and love each other more every day. Gee but it is wonderful when two people that love each other like we do can be married and really own each other dear. Honey dear you are so darn pretty from the tips of my beautiful blond hair to the tips of my sweet little toes, gosh Honey and all mine. I know that God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible dearest. Honey dear please take wonderful care of my precious parts, gee but they are wonderful dear and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine dolly miss you so awful darn much but we will have them together before so very long dearest. Honey you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so awful, awful darn much and You know I always will dolly.

            Well sug I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dearest. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife now dear. Remember now dear chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dearest.

            Love and more love to my adorable little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so much.