Kansas City, Kansas

February 21, 1945

Dear Thomas,

            After so long a time I have finally gotten settled and getting along pretty good. Joyce and I am not going to complain for I know there are many more that have more to contend with than I have had but even at that one can’t very soon get over the blow I have had. They didn’t make them any bigger hearted than Albert was. I try to console myself by thinking he still watches over me and I try to carry on as he would have me do and I am more than grateful for Joyce and the little house we have. She is in high school and we are just 4 blocks from Rosedale High School. We live just a Block East of the Memorial hospital so you can have an idea where we are located. We had this little place and had planned to move here before Albert passed away so he wanted Joyce and I to have it for a home so we moved here. It is very comfortable, has four more nice rooms, bath and gas furnace and nice basement hot and cold water all the time automatic water heater nice garage and nice fenced in back yard. We are close to buss lenses and 39 Main Street Car so after all we are very conveniently fixed and good location so after all if that was God’s will I’ll abide by it. I worked awhile at the hospital and I had a little run in with my self before x-mas and they won’t let me go back yet. He said I had a lot to overcome before I could go to work but I am much better, don’t see anyone from out at Muncie since I am out here. Floyd Carr lives out in here somewhere but haven’t run across him yet. Had a nice letter from Sonny Herbert and he said things were getting pretty warm where he was right now. Hope all of you are soon able to be sailing for the good old U.S.A. Son is still at the Bomber he said they were reclassifying all them. He said lots of them will be leaving before long. Guess your folks have wrote you about Helen Nole getting the Post office out at Muncie. I am so glad we needed a change out there. Long before this those folks that had it for so long were no more Democrats than I am a Republican so I say give our party a chance at it. For awhile our friend John Barr made a trip back to Tennessee to see his folks. I don’t [know] if he has come back yet or not. See Lillian and Ruth now and then. Ralph is still here. Lillian hears from Johnnie quite often. Guess he is in a tough spot now from the way he writes. Helen Newman has joined the WAVES and leaves the first of March for New York for her training. She is thrilled to death. Poor Old Chancy is taking care of the family. He is a good kid but is like an old man. I guess Horace is still on the Corner. Jack Bigham finely came home after being gone nearly a year. He looked fine he is stationed here in the states for awhile, doesn’t know for how long. Scotty Carson has gone across. I think his folks have had word he is across O.K. He and Jerry have 2 boys now so I guess she has her hands full. Saw Florence Derster not long ago and some of her boys are over there somewhere and Betty Elleece and Herbert Webb were married about 2-3 months ago. You probably know him, hi is from Washington High. I think I hear all the kids speak of him as if he were from up there. Mary Joy McGomgal is about the only girl out there I guess I don’t know if she had a boyfriend or not, never hear of any. Joyce is getting along fine in her school work and has grown so you won’t know her when you come home. She is a real pretty girl and really dolls herself up. Since she is here in town she is as tall as I am now. She is still thin but a nice size. Well Thomas I’ll run the risk of you [not] getting this as your mother told me sometime ago you had something added to your address or something. I hope you are OK and we will soon be seeing you before to far off. Our news we get over the radio are better than ever before so write me when you get a chance for I have thought of you often and I’ll do better by my writing.

            Love-Best wishes


            3823 Adams St. KCK