Philippine Islands

February 12, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Gee darling I received the sweetest letter from you today and I was so darn thrilled to get it dearest. I also got one from the folks honey. They were both January the twenty-ninth dear so that was pretty good time. Gosh Honey your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dearest and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gosh Honey it gives me the grandest feeling when I can get your precious letters. Honey dear please don’t worry when you don’t hear from me for quite a while now. You know I will always write you as often and as much as possible dearest. I sure hope it isn’t as long before our mail gets straightened out this time as it was the last time dearest. Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it ha been a pretty nice day today and it is sure swell when we do get a nice day. I sure hope it stays nice for a couple of days or so now. Sure hope it is nice at home now dearest and not to cold. Gee darling it will be so darn wonderful when I am back in your sweet arms and forget all about this. We will be so darn happy dearest and everything will be so heavenly.

            Honey dear I am sure glad that last Sunday turned out to be a swell day and everything went off so nice. Boy Honey the folks sure did think your dinner was wonderful. They was telling me all about it in their letter today Honey. Mother sure did like her purse dear and she said Helen sure did like her perfume to. Boy Honey you sure did have a swell dinner and I wish I could have been there to enjoy some of it too. Honey dear I know I’ll get lots to eat when I get home and start eating your cooking and I know how good it will be to dear. I’ll bet you will think I really eat a lot to dearest. It doesn’t seem like I can eat very much though when we have a fair meal here. Maybe my stomach has just drawn up. Boy Honey I’ll bet the cake was sure pretty. Gee but you was sweet to go to all that work dear. You are such a perfect little wife darling and gee but I am proud of you darling. Mother was telling me she saw that Charlton boy’s girlfriend and she said she told Dad that she sure wasn’t half as good looking as their girl was and she said boy our girl can sure cook and keep house to. Honey they love you so awful much and are so darn happy when they get to see you. Darling you are so darn pretty and so perfect in every way and gee all mine. Gosh Honey I am sure glad you had a nice day for your dinner. It will be so darn swell when I am back in your sweet arms dearest and we can entertain our folks and friends. Gee but we will be happy dearest and everything will be so wonderful.

            Darling I sure do remember how we used to hate to see it snow and get bad cause then we didn’t know when whether we would get to see each other or not and we knew if we did it would be so awful cold for us when we went out to our hill and we couldn’t enjoy ourselves like we did when it was nice. Now Honey we won’t have to worry about the bad weather. When it gets real bad we will be so cozy in our little home dear and in each others arms. We can be inside listening to the wind and seeing the snow and ice dear and we will be so warm and right in each others arms every minute. Gee darling we will enjoy every season and be so darn happy.

            Honey you was telling me that you took Pop to town the other Saturday nite and he let you have the car and you Bobbie and Jackie went to the show. Gosh Honey I am so glad you get to go once in awhile like that. It sure does make it swell where you are close to Ruth there dear and her and the kiddies go with you or you go with the girls at the office. One of these days I will be back there in your sweet arms dearest and you won’t have to wonder how you are going to get someplace or who will go with you cause that will be answered by your husband dearest. I’m not letting you out of my sight dearest, no sir darling not for one minute. Honey you said you were sure tired that next day cause you didn’t get in till twelve thirty. Gosh Honey then you fixed all that swell dinner the next day to, I’ll bet you was really wore out.

            Honey dear it was so darn sweet where you wrote me about dressing comfortable in our little home and nothing at all when in bed. Gosh Honey you are so darn sweet and it will be so wonderful when we can spend each and every nite together. Darling we will be so awful darn close and gee but it will be heavenly dearest. Honey I’ll say we won’t need much practice when we get back together, gee darling won’t it be wonderful after all this time. Honey it sure does make wonderful feelings go through me when I am thinking about it, just like you said dearest. You know how things used to be in a few minutes after we were out by Rogan’s Honey, makes the parts just like that dear. Gee darling as long as we want to and as often as we want to and you know that will be very often and long periods dearest. Gee darling we never have been together over thirty six hours at one time since we were married and that sure isn’t very long. Gosh Honey just think twenty one days when I get back and then if I don’t have to come right back over I might get in some camp where I could see you every nite or so dear and then maybe get another furlough before so long. Gee but I hope I never have to come back when I once get home dearest.

Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful darn much and dearest you know I always will. You are so darn sweet and so precious in every way dolly. Gee darling we are so happily married and love each other more everyday. Honey dear I am going to hold you so darn tight and kiss you so often, gee but it will be heavenly dearest. Honey I know God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Please take wonderful care of my precious parts Honey, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine Honey, miss you so awful much. You are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world dearest and I love you so darn much and honey you know I always will.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dearest. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful, awful careful honey and take wonderful care of my darling little wife. Remember now dearest chin up and always happy. Tell all hello Honey.

            Love and more love to my sweet adorable little wife.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so much.