Philippine Islands

February 11, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful darn sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dolly. Gosh Honey I got four of the sweetest letters today and I was so darn thrilled to get them honey. Gee but they were wonderful darling, so darn sweet and precious, just like all your sweet letters are dear. I also received two from the folks Honey and some papers from Reverend Meyer. Darling your wonderful letters were the twenty fourth, twenty fifth, twenty sixth and thirtieth so that was sure good time. Honey your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful darn happy dearesrt and make me feel so wonderful all over. Honey dear you had been getting my mail good to and I was so happy to hear that dear. Just about the time we both start getting our mail good we take off for some place else and then it is all tied up for two or three months. Honey dear please don’t worry now when you don’t hear from me for quite a while sometimes. You know I will always write you as often and as much as possible dear. Sure hope you are getting my mail all right now dearest. Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much dearest.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now dear. Well sug it is a pretty fair day here, has been raiing but now it has kind of stopped. Sure hope it isn’t to cold and bad at home now dear. I sure will be glad when spring comes dear cause it will be so darn much better for you darling. Went to church right after dinner honey and just got back. We don’t have such very long services. It makes me feel so darn much better when I can go to church darling. I don’t care so much for this Chaplain that comes here, I don’t know what it is but just don’t seem like he puts out a very interesting sermon. Most all of the fellows think the same way to. I go every chance I get though. Well I worked from midnite to six this morning dear and then I came in and slept till about eleven. I go out at six tonite again. Boy that sure does keep a guy wore down. Your meals and sleep is different ever day and just seems like a guy is always tired and wore out.
            Sure was a nice letter I received from Anna Mae honey. She sent me a cute little picture too, I expect you maybe saw it. Picture of a little boy making Merry Christmas in the snow and then down at the bottom it said and a happy New Year to If I have enough. That little Tommy sure must be quite a boy. Anna Mae said she sure does have some time with him. I guess it keeps her and Ruth pretty busy all the time looking after the little ones. She was telling me about you keeping all the little ones New Years eve, said she didn’t see how you took care of them all. Boy Honey I know you really had a job, just to much for you to keep them all at the same time dearest.

            Honey dear I am so darn lonesome for you and want to see you so awful darn much. Gee but it will be heavenly when we are back in each others arms and can be so close together dearest. Honey I’ll say it will be just like starting a new life for us. Almost twenty nine months since we parted darling and it surely seems like that many years. Honey isn’t it wonderful that we had out chance and got married and can be as happy as we are darling. Honey you was telling me that there was a lot of girls there at the office were receiving engagement rings from fellows they had just met and them getting married. There has been a lot of that came out of those Canteens Honey and a lot of it is going to end up in trouble for both of them. We really knew each other in every way dearest, all our thoughts and ideas are the same dearest. Our love is real true love dearest and straight from the heart, our whole life is built around each other and darling I know that there isn’t or never will be a happier marriage. We were really meant for each other darling and gee it will be so darn wonderful when we are back in each others arms and can really tell each other in person our real love for each other, just like we used to dearest. Honey you are the most wonderful little wife in this world and gee I am so darn proud of you. Every day that goes by is one day closer to our day Honey and I know our time is coming. I know God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible. You are so darn swell darling and I love you so awful much.

            Darling you was feeling pretty good in my latest letters today but still coughing some. I was sure glad to hear that your sore throat had left to dearest. Honey I’ll bet you are getting more of your colds from waiting for the bus. It has been so darn cold and bad there this winter. Gee darling I’ll bet my sweet little legs just about freeze while you are waiting for the bus. Gee but it will be swell when this darn thing is all over and I can take wonderful care of you in every way. Please be awful, awful careful now darling and please take it easy and take wonderful care of my sweet doll baby and please don’t work to hard angel.

            I sure do hope it was nice last Sunday dear and Noels and the folks got over all right. Gosh Honey you are so darn sweet to have a dinner for Helen and Mother. Sure wish I could of been there and helped you dearest. It will sure be swell when we can have our friends and folks come for dinner or have a party or something like that dear. Gosh Honey we can do whatever we want to now. If we want to stay out all nite we can and if we feel like we want to be at home we can but no matter what we are doing we will be together and gee how heavenly it will be dearest.

            Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful much and you know I always will dolly. You are so darn sweet and precious in every way dearest. Honey you asked me if I remember a certain article we bought there several times. Boy Honey I’ll say I do. We used to go to Katz and get it dear. Gee darling, won’t it all be wonderful now, in our own room or apartment or home and we can do whatever we want to and whenever we want to and won’t have to worry about a thing dear. I’ll bet we will be using that again to when we get back together dear. Think maybe your suitcase ought to have a jar Honey, just in case that notion might strike us. Honey dear I am going to hold you so awful darn tight and kiss you so often, gee but we will be cozy dear. Darling please take wonderful care of my precious parts, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine dolly, miss you so darn much. You are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world dolly and I love you so darn much and you know I always will dear.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dolly. Please be awful awful careful dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little darling. Remember now sweetheart, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dearest.

            Love and more love to my dearest darling little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my adorable little wife.