Philippine Islands

January 16, 1945

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel, how is my darling little wife. Awful, awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Well dearest no mail so far today but I am sure hoping that some will come in before the day is over. Gee darling your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so awful, awful happy dear and make me feel so wonderful all over. Gosh but it gives me the grandest feeling when I can get your precious letters dear. Won’t it be heavenly when we are back in each others arms and won’t have to write letters any more dearest. I sure hope you are getting my letters all right now dearest. Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right in every way now. I have plenty of everything now. Well dear it is a pretty nice day here and I sure hope it stays nice now. I guess the rainy season will be over in a few more weeks and I will sure be glad when it is. Sure hope the weather is nice and not to cold at home now dear. Gosh Honey we could be having so awful much fun if we was together now. Every season will be wonderful to me when we get back together dearest. Well Honey I worked from six to twelve last nite and go back to work at noon today. Will get a full nites sleep tonite for a change although I will have to get up in the morning about a quarter of five to go to work.

            Honey you said the furnace in the place was practically new. It sure is swell when the fire holds all day and all nite like that and I’ll bet it doesn’t take much to keep that little house warm. Those storm windows sure are a big help to a house to. We are sure

going to have them on our little home to dear. Gee darling I am so darn glad you got away from that other place. It was so darn big dear and so hard to heat. I’ll say it is sure swell to come home to a warm house and go to bed real warm dear. We are sure going to have a good heating system in our home dear. Gee but we will be cozy dear and everything will be so darn swell. Honey we will be so awful darn happy and gee so darn cozy.

            Darling you was telling me that you are going to have a dinner party for Mother and Mrs. Noel on the twenty eighth of January. Gee but that is swell of you dearest and I hope so much that it is nice weather and won’t be bad like it was Christmas. I know that you will all have a good time and really enjoy yourselves. Sure wish I could be there with you dear. Gosh honey won’t it be wonderful when we get our little home and can have our friends and folks come to visit us and we can have parties and things like that. Remember that party they had down at Mrs. Noels on Mothers birthday Honey and then we went over to Courtney’s about midnite and I didn’t get you home until about three in the morning. Gosh Honey we had so darn much fun and now it will all be more wonderful then ever cause we can stay out as late as we want to and then we won’t have to get up the next morning until we want to and we will be together every minute of our time dearest. Gee but it will all be heavenly dear and we will be so darn happy.

            Honey you said you had a letter from Nadine and she got you a black gown to match your black robe. Gosh but that is swell dear and I’ll bet you are sure anxious to get it dear. Boy Honey you sure do have a lot of nice things like that and you are so darn sweet to be saving them all for when I get home dear. Gee won’t it be heavenly days Honey when we are back in each others arms. Honey it will be so darn swell when I can see all your swell things and help you put them on. I’ll bet that is really a pretty set dear.

            Honey dear I sure hope this finds you feeling swell and everything going along all right in every way now at home. Gee but I hope you don’t get sick any more dear and don’t get any more of those awful colds. Gee but I was worried about you dear and was so awful happy when I got late letters and my dolly was feeling all right. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my precious little wife. Sure hope your work isn’t to heavy now dearest. Gosh Honey it will be so darn swell when we are back in each others arms and can take care of each other all the time and in every way.

            Honey I am sure glad you are close to Ruths cause it won’t be near so lonesome for you and you won’t have to stay home by yourself at nite when Pop isn’t there. I’ll bet the little kids are sure glad you are close to dear. You said that Bobby watches for you every nite and when he sees you coming he comes and meets you. I’ll bet he is sure thrilled when he can stay all nite dear. They all sure must be big children now cause two years and a half really does make a difference in a person when they are real young. I probably wouldn’t know any of them if I would just meet them someplace away from the folks.

            Darling I’ll bet you were sure surprised to get that nice Christmas present from Mrs. Green. I’ll bet that sure is pretty dear and really swell looking. She sure was a swell lady dear and really thought a lot of us. That was sure a nice present you sent her to dear and I’ll bet she really did like it. Gee but it will be swell when we can go back down there dear and we will sure go see Mrs. Green to. Won’t it be heavenly when we can start out honeymoon dear, gee but we will be happy darling.

            Honey you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful darn much and you know I always will darling. You are so darn sweet and so precious in every way dolly. Honey dear won’t it be heavenly when we can hold each other so awful darn tight and kiss each other so often. Gee but I’ll bet our embraces will be long ones dear. Honey I know God hears our prayers and will answer them and keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible now. Honey dear please take wonderful care of my precious parts, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so darn much. Yours are fine dear, miss you so awful darn much but we will have them together before long dear. Honey dear you are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dearest.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dearest. I’ll be looking for your precious letters now dearest. Please be awful, awful careful now dearest and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dearest, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dear.

            Love and more love to my sweet little angel.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so awful much.