Philippine Islands

December 20, 1944

My Dearest Darling Wife,

            Hello sweet little angel how is my darling little wife. Awful awful sweet I know and fine I hope. You had better be dearest. Well dolly no sweet letters again today. I guess they must of quit sending us any mail. Gee darling it has been so darn long since I had any letters. It sure seems like that we would start getting some before long now. Honey your precious letters mean the world and all to me and they are so darn sweet. They make me so darn happy and make me feel so wonderful all over dear. Gosh Honey it gives me the grandest feeling when I can get your wonderful letters. I sure hope you are getting my mail all right now dolly. You are so darn sweet dear and I love you so awful darn much.

            I am feeling fine now dearest and getting along all right. I have plenty of everything now dearest. Well Honey it has been a pretty nice day here and I sure hope it stays this way for a little while now. It is just getting so you can kind of get around on solid ground without going in to your shoe tops. There is plenty of places on the roads and places like that it will take a couple of weeks to dry up. Some parts of the roads are dusty now and other places you can hardly get over. Sure hope you are having some nice weather at home now dear and sure hope it isn’t too cold. I sure hope this new place is easy to keep warm dear. I’ll be keeping you warm next year dearest and I’ll betcha I really keep you warm to dear. Gosh Honey we will be so darn happy and everything will be so wonderful.

            Well Honey I sure hope you are all moved by now and all straightened up. That is really a job and I sure will be glad when I hear from you and it is all over dear. Sure wish I was there to help you darling. Gee darling won’t it be swell when we get our little home and all our new furniture. We will have so much fun picking everything out dear and then placing our furniture like we want it and using the things you have been making and buying for our new Honey. We will be using some of our things like that in our apartment but we will have most of it still new when we get our little home dear. All our furniture and our home will be brand new gee darling it will look so darn swell and we will be the proudest little couple on earth. It will be so wonderful having our yard fixed like we want it and working on it together dear. In the summer time we can do the housework up real fast and then go out and work on our yard. Then if we want to take a ride out to cool off we can do that or if we want to go out in the evening we can do that or anything we want to darling. It will be so darn wonderful being able to spend every minute of our time together Honey. We will never let each other out of our sight only when we go to work dear. Darling we will be so awful, awful happy doing everything together and having each other right by our side all the time. Just the happiest little couple on earth dear.

            Honey if this letter looks messy and poorly written you will have to excuse it. I cut my thumb on a razor blade and it is right where I hold the pen. I was cleaning my razor and pulled the blade right across my thumb.

            Gee but I wish some mail would come in dear. I get the blues so darn bad when I can’t hear from you darling. The latest letter I have received from you was over a month ago now Honey, that is when it was written. The latest one I have received from you was the fifteenth of November dear. Four more days and we will be here two months and we have just had about three mail calls that amounted to anything. Gee darling letters are so darn wonderful and mean everything to a person when you are so far away from the one that means the world and all to you. Honey I’ll bet you ain’t getting my mail either. Gee I sure hope so cause it sure does make a person feel awful when you can’t get mail. Won’t it be heavenly when we are back in each others arms and won’t have to write letters any more dear. I’ll bet all our letters to everyone will be few and far between.

            Honey you was saying in one of those last letters I received that Norma had called you. I’ll bet you was sure glad to hear from her dear. It sure is swell to hear a person’s voice and talk to them like that. I am sure glad she was feeling better dear. Boy Honey I’ll say you need a Christmas vacation. You have been working so darn hard and without any rest at all since your vacation. Gosh Honey it will be so wonderful when you can quit working and just be a little housewife. It won’t take us so terribly long to get straightened out dear and then you can quit working. Gee darling won’t we be happy and everything will be so wonderful.

            Honey dear you are so darn sweet and I love you so awful, awful darn much and you know I always will dearest. You are so darn sweet and so precious in every way dear. Gosh Honey we are so happily married and love each other more every day. Darling I will have you in my arms all the time and hold you so awful tight and one kiss right after another. Honey dear you are so darn pretty and so awful sweet. Darling I know God hears our prayers and will keep us safe and bring us together as soon as possible. Please take wonderful care of my precious parts Honey, gee but they are wonderful and I love them so much. Yours are fine dear, miss you so darn much. You are the sweetest and most adorable little wife in this world dear and I love you so darn much and always will Honey.

            Well sug I guess I had better close for this time and I’ll write you as soon as possible now dear. I’ll be looking for your sweet letters now Honey. Please be awful, awful careful now darling and take wonderful care of my sweet little wife. Remember now dear, chin up and always happy. Tell all hello dear.

            Loads and loads of love to my dearest darling wife I love so much.

            Love and more love to my sweet little angel.