North Africa,                                                                            Oct. 5, 1943                                                                                  Letter 2,

My darling Jeannette;

     Well, my dear, today I hit the jackpot again for letters but then I guess most ever body did. I received three from you and three from the folks and your anniversary card came today too, sweetheart. The card, I appreciated very much and shall keep it always with my others that you have sent for each anniversary. How I wish I could send you a card too for that darling but they are not to be found.

     However you know that my love is with you dearest on the 8th and that I shall be thinking of you especially that day more than others, if that is possible. But my thoughts are with you and about you each day very much and of our future together, My prayers are all that that future will not be too far away and that we shall soon again be close together.

     Yoar regular letter of Sept. 15th, # 9, with the five pictures of the yard and house, the three of me and the card for the bank was one of the three. The other two were your V mails of Sept. 17th, # 11 and Sept. 19th, #12. I am still missing # 10 but that will probably come in today or tomorrow.

      I have off this afternoon so don’t know what mail may come in during the afternoon. I received dad’s letter of Aug. 28th and his and mother’s V mails of Sept. 18th. His letter had some very excellent pictures of them taken at Seventh Lake.

     Tonight I shall be goingover to Brunet’for dinner and shall take the three pictures along that you sent for them and also all of the others to show them. They are always very interested in pic-tures that I get from home so I usually show them all to them.

      I wrote you Friday, V mail telling you that I received your cable of the 25th (?) on the 28th, telling of Dorothy’s girl and tbefc she was doing well. I am so glad to hear that and thank you again ever so much darling for sending the cable on. I also cabled Friday telling you that I had received your cable. We can only send the form EFM cables. However some officers tell me that you all in the States can send anything you wish, personal or EFM forms. Two of them have received personal cables from their wives. Of course they would be censored but look into it as perhaps you can send me one once in a while if that is the case.

      I had Friday afternoon off for my week day afternoon and wrote you then, although I didn’t mention about having the afternoon off in that letter. I did not do anything special then except for writing to you and the folks.  Last night I went to a local theater to see "Eagle Squadron". I had seen it before earlier this year here and had forgotten it, but enjoyed seeing it over again. Three other officers went along. Usually when I go, I go with Major Duskin or with some other officers, I know.

      This morning I went to communion as usual. Chaplain Brown had a few extra prayers, this being the Sunday for the universal communion. Did you go to church today for that? Another officer went along with me. He happens to be Episcopal also.

      Well I guess I had better get busy and answer your letters. Thank you ever so much for the pictures enclosed with yow Sept. 13th letter, I thought they were very good ones of the house and yard. Cranes don’t seem to be doing anything about keeping our evergreens trimmed up as I had planned to have them. I just hope the trees  (page 2) have not grown so much by the time I get back that they can’t be trimmed to the size I want. That one tree on the corner by Hasten’s will have to be replaced, as it will never get to proper size to balance with the others’.  Perhaps it can wait until I return though.  I am thinking of putting a low hedge (evergreen) about a foot and a half or two feet high along the front and side walk to the driveway. What do you think of that? And then a high one from the driveway on to the line at Matthew’s house, with a high piece just west of the drive also, sloping down to the low one, for balance. 

I am enclosing the card filled out for the bank savings account and also a money order for $ 100 for you to put in it.  Are you going to put Crane's checks in it each month as I suggested? I would rather send what money I don't need home to you to put away for us rather than spending it on something here which does not amount to anything.  Then we can get something for the house for both of us when we get back there.

      Now almost to reverse what I just said above, I have seen some very excellent paintings here in some of the private exhibits in small shops, what would you think about buying a couple for our house.  We could start something really worth while then in the way of permanent good furnishings, I left my check book in my foot locker so will you send me a half dozen checks in case I need them for anything like that. Also let me know what the balance is in each of the accounts once a month please, dear, I have asked you two or three times to do that for the checking account and you never have yet.

      I agree with you that it would be better to pay the property taxes the first of the year for the whole year and get them over with.  When you make the corrected income tax return in December, don’t forget to take the extra $1500 exemption for me this time and check up with the revenue people to see it it isn't retroactive to last year. I think it may be.

      Your Sept. 17th letter. Yes, you are quite right that anything would look better on your folks’ house than the original color. I suppose it is a relief that it is finally done after such a long time. Was pleased to hear about Nellie Rogers remarks. Remember me to her and her sister when you write them again. Are they ever coming east again for a visit, does she say? Tell her I thank her for her kind wishes. Was sorry to hear that Sylvia had sprained her leg. I hope she is better by now and back to work.  You must have had a time there with Aunt Sadie, Silvia and Grandma Westcott all in bed, I suppose it kept you and your dad and Elsie busy looking after all of them.

      No I do not suppose I shall be able to come home for a long time. There was some talk of rotation of officers who have been across for a long time but I won't believe it until I see it. I am third longest across in the Ordnance section. Nothing will probably happens from that though until after the first of the year and maybe not then.

      Am well as ever now dearest and hope that you are also. And too that Dorothy is coming along well now with her baby. Am enclosing another recipe for you to keep. Dearest I miss you too as much as you do me. It will be a wonderful day when we are together again. I send you all my love and kisses, sweetheart.




Am enclosing the key to my footlocker also.