Wednesday Oct. 31

(Halloween) #252


Dearest Honey:

Hello Again! How’s my Sweetheart feeling today, much, much better I hope?  Is your back still giving you trouble? Do you still feel tired? Please tell me all about yourself, won’t you? You tell me about your trying times, won’t you? I’d like to understand everything about you. I hear the Army is such it will drive any one mad. If only I could do something to help you get home. Can you think of anything, Sweet? While you were taking it easy, did you do any reading? Do you have chances of reading books out there? Would you tell me about the set-up out there? You did tell me about the club, but is there more to the area?

Before I refer to your last letter, I thought you might like to know where I spent a few hours tonight. Seven of us girls down at the office went to Emile’s French Restaurant. We work not very far from there, so we walked over. We stayed there and talked for a while. Each one of us has a member in the service. There’s Rose who has a Son whom she calls her “Honey”. Ida has a Son named “Raymond Hoffman” in the Service. Lee has a Husband in the Service- she’s expecting and intends to retire soon. Mildred has a Husband over there in Okinawa. Anita has a Boyfriend in England. She expects to marry around Christmas, if he comes home. Ann has a brother in the service, Honey. I rode home with Ida and I would like to ask for her about the new “ROOKIES” just arrived down by you. She got word three weeks ago that her Son was sent to the Pacific. He’s in the infantry- his name is Raymond Hoffman. She was wondering whether any of the newcomers may be her boy. She asked me all kinds of questions about when you went overseas. I tried my best to encourage her not to worry, that she’d be hearing in another week or so. She’s so worried the food and climate won’t agree with him. You can well imagine what the main subject was again while we were talking during the evening of dinner, namely, our “MAN” in the service. They’re all such mere girls. I hope when I retire, I’ll be able to invite them to our house and I’d like you to meet them. They get together quite often, I guess, and this time they asked me to come along. Some of these girls are quite a bit older, as you can well judge since they have Sons but somehow they don’t seem old to me. Have I given you an idea of my friends from the office, Honey?  Millie expects her Hubby home very soon. The Red Cross has already notified her of that much. Now there’s really a brave person. She’s married the second time, the first one was no good. Her second husband and she liked children so well that they decided to have one. 


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Wasn’t it wonderful how these two people felt towards each other? She is so crazy about children. Now she’s just waiting so anxiously for her Lou to come home. She’s about 35 years old.

            Mom told me some news tonight. Ella’s husband came home permanently today.  I was very surprised since I thought he was being sent further away from home. Boy, what luck! Well, that won’t get us down, will it, Honey? Our day is coming too. We’ll wait a while longer, won’t we?

            Goodness, I didn’t expect to write this many sheets before answering your letter. I’ll leave your questions go until tomorrow, then, ok?

            I’m going to call your Mom tomorrow. Your Dad’s birthday is Friday and since he needs house slippers I want to get his right size. We’ll give him some shirts too, ok, Honey?

            I’ll close now, Sweetheart. Don’t forget I love you, will you?

            I look forward to your mail so please keep writing, won’t you, Honey?


Good luck, Sweet -

            Good night, Honey - Take good care of yourself, Dearest.


Your Baby,

Emily “Kiss”